Funding 2023

A few weeks ago we opened our donation page in order to help cover our ongoing costs for running our Mastodon instance. The response was truly overwhelming. Within hours we reached our funding goal of 400€ for 2023 and even surpassed it. As promised, we (the two admins) got ourselves pizza with the surplus and the rest will go to a charitable cause.
In total we collected 530.00€ as of writing this post. We'll put aside 400.00€ to pay for our server, media hosting, domain, etc. We spent 33.70€ on two very delicious pizzas. That leaves us with 96.30€ to donate which we'll round up to 100€.
We decided to donate those 100.00€ to the Vagina Museum in London which is currently trying to get funding for a new venue.
Any further donations we receive in 2023 we'll set aside for now in case we want to add resources to our instance or need to cover unforeseen costs. Some of you opted for a monthly donation which gives us a lot of financial safety in our operation so that's much appreciated.
Thank you all for your support. Not only does it keep the lights on but it also tells us that we're doing something that people appreciate and want to keep around. It's the best encouragement we could get. 💜